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Sunday, December 20, 2009

BLACK & WHITE photo contest

yg blah kiri tu mmg otai buli.keh2

do click the image to go to their blog.its fun!!

hak2.just wanna do something with this pict.hope bley la tahan.hahaha.
even usha2 blog blogger yg lain2 pn.pict diorng sungguh menarik.hehe


Aidi-Safuan said...

terase feel dia

zack zukhairi said...

cantik la ni! aduii... mmg x boley menang la aku camni. :p

pikaka said...

thx aidi & zack.

haha.hopefully la kn.hak2

da la nak amek pict ngn bf mmg susah.hek2

Hazwan Hakim said...

uiks..join gak eh contest ni??heheeh...bravo2...romantik gtu gmbr ni..

pikaka said...

hak2.thx kim.
ko join gak ke?
eh msuk utem blek ble?
jadual class da kua ke?

Unknown said...

good luk neh..

pikaka said...

thx nabila